1st Post

 Hello Everyone.

This is a brand new endeavor for me. I do not guarantee that I will write regularly, although that is my intent as of now. I do not guarantee that I will make sense to you, although I can guarantee that it will make sense to me. I am just going to write what I am thinking about and invite you to come along on the journey.

I do have a few rules however. 

1) Disagree. Please do. I want to promote discussion. Be respectful of the people, whether me or another commenter, with whom you are disagreeing.

2) If all of your talk is emotion with no facts or data to back you up it will be deleted. This is for people who have at least some basis in reality for what they discourse on.

3) Have fun. We are going to be talking about some big ideas here. I invite you all to play and have fun while we do this.

4) If you think that I am not following my own rules then say so.

And that is pretty much it for this post. I have been thinking about this for a while and find that this format will probably work best for me. And we all together may just find that we can have some bid ideas that then maybe we put into action. Because the world really does not care about what we think about. It cares about what we do about.

See you all on the flipside.
