Our Failing Infrastructure

 This morning I was reading an article about how a lot of Solar and Wind Farms are not coming to fruition because of 3 things:

  1. There is a years long wait in the approval process
  2. The price to get connected to the electrical grid is often enormous
  3. The grid, as it is, does not have the carrying capacity for the load that is coming. It can barely handle what we have now.

And, just to be clear, 1 and 2 are mostly caused by 3.

And most of this is caused by political idiocy. There is a party in American Politics that stands in the way of any progress. We all know which one this is. We are on a death spiral in our Infrastructure because of the Hedonistic Refusal of one of the two parties to actually Govern. All they can do is Obstruct.

We need to have a Massive Infrastructure Bill passed by Congress. The President would sign it in a second.

  • That Bill needs to finance improving the Electrical Grid to a Smart Grid with a huge expansion in it's carrying capacity.
  • It needs to fix and upgrade our Rail Networks so that we can have High Speed Rail and carry our freight on Rail instead of Roads.

These two things will go a long way to helping us towards meeting our, totally inadequate, environmental goals as outlined in several accords. And time is fast running out.

And now it all comes back to the Political Situation in this country. We, as a Nation, as a People, can no longer coddle the party of Obstruction. We can no longer coddle the party who can only use hatred and divisiveness, instead of policy, to win. We can no longer coddle the party that sells us out to Billionaires and Corporate Tycoons. We can no longer allow the Corporate World to run our Political Life.

And this is going to take each and every one of YOU, all of us, to have an effect. That means getting involved. It means participating in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION, Local, County, State, and National. It means showing up to the Forums of your local, county, state, and national elected representatives and holding their feet to the fire on these things. It means going to the people that are running for office and seeing where they stand on these issues, and supporting the ones who match what matters.

So show up people. Those that show up are the ones who affect real progress in this world. Are you going to be in the Stands talking about what has happened? Or are you going to be in the Game working on what is happening and will happen?

The Choice is YOURS.
