We are all dyeing of Fox "News"

 On March 4th 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, AKA FDR, took office as President of the United States. He immediately took action in enacting a raft of Legislation and other actions to save America from the Great Depression. It almost certainly saved American Capitalism, and probably a sharp turn to either Communism or Fascism.

One of the things that he did to pay for all of this was to raise rather substantial taxes on the rich and industry. This was a shock to the business community.

FDR was from old money. His family had been rich and part of the "Establishment" for a long time. He was a cousin to a former President, Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, AKA TR, who was a Republican. The only reason FDR was a Democrat, he said in later life, was he did not think there should be two Roosevelts in the same party.

The monied class called him a Traitor to his class. Said he was betraying his roots and destroying American business. They were rather butt hurt that they were being made to pay for the after affects of the joy ride that they had in the "Roaring" 1920s.

There has been a concerted and well funded effort ever since to roll back all of the things that FDR, and later Presidents, especially Lyndon Baines Johnson, AKA LBJ, did to shore up the Middle and Working classes of this country so that we could survive, and even thrive, as a nation.

During this time most of what we know of today as "Conservative" Republicans lived within the Democratic Party. There was a reason that the "Solid South" of the Democratic Party existed. And, starting with FDR and going forward they Conservative South began to fight the Democratic Party. Sometimes successfully.

A lot of the reason that Black People and other minorities did not get the benefits of many of these programs enacted by FDR and his successors was because of the Southern Democrats, AKA Dixiecrats.

And in 1964 when LBJ passed and signed into law the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act Dixiecrats got really pissed.

Also in 1964 the Republicans nominated Barry Goldwater as their candidate to replace LBJ in the White House (FYI LBJ beat him in a landslide). And he began the process of allowing extremism into the Republican Party. He famously stated that "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice" and that "Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue". Thus the beginning of extremism in the Republican Party.

In 1968 Richard Nixon won the Presidential Election, and swung a lot of Dixiecrats to the Republican Party, with his "Southern Swing" strategy. The strategy was to, in Southern States, use the coded language of "Law and Order" to show that you were on the side of White Racists in order to protect White Privilege.

Thus began the beginning of the Racist Republican Party, the former Party of Lincoln, combined with the Big Business Republican Party that has always existed, and the Extremist Republican Party that was just starting to form.

And then came the biggest champion of the dismantling of everything good in America for the sake of business, Ronald Reagan. He gave a speech at the 1976 Republican Convention, after almost defeating Gerald Ford for the nomination, that laid out his future program if you read the context behind the speech.

He ran for the Republican Nomination, and won, in 1980.

His campaign was founded on three things.

One was that "Welfare Queens", which never existed and yet have become a part of American Lore, were destroying America by taking your hard earned cash and freeloading off the system.

Two that the Government could not be trusted to handle things. He got huge applause for the line "Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem". Funny that he benefitted from Government "handouts" when growing up.

Three that Tax Cuts for the Wealthy would "Trickle Down" to Lower and Middle class Americans. George H.W. Bush rightly called that Voodoo Economics before he was picked to be Reagans V.P. running mate.

During the campaign he also performed the marriage of the Republican Party and the Christian Right, AKA Christian Nationalism, that we are seeing the disastrous results of now.

He won and narrowly beat Jimmy Carter in the General Election.

When he took office in January of 1981 he got busy.

He took on Unions using the Air Traffic Controllers Union to begin. And the AFL-CIO, in a monumental misjudgment, let him get away with it. Unions have been on the defensive, and losing, ever since.

Oddly enough, so has the Middle Class.

He set in place a series of Tax Cuts, most of which went to the Wealthy, that blew up the Budget and the Deficit. Later on when raising taxes again to help "balance" the budget he always raised yours, never the wealthy and powerful.

He also began the looting of the Social Security system allowing the government to "borrow" from the Trust Fund in order to fund the government that he had just made poor with the tax cuts. He also made Social Security Taxable. It had not been before this.

He also began the dismantling of the EPA and other such agencies that would stop Big Business polluting our Air and Water.

But the two most important things that he did were this:

1) He rolled back and eliminated the Fairness Doctrine in news reporting. The Fairness Doctrine said that if you present an Opinion you have to label it as such and you have to give equal time to an apposing opinion.

Right after that Rush Limbaugh went on the air and began spreading his hate.

2) He made it possible for an Australian named Rupert Murdoch to setup the Fox Network. Before this if you were not born American you could not own a network. He put a Right Wing demagogue named Roger Ailes in charge. And thus Fox "News" was born.

From the beginning Fox "News" has been the propaganda arm of the "Business will always be better than Government" arm of the Republican Party.

And they used the extremists to keep people distracted by going all on the "Culture Wars" using what Nixon called "Wedge Issues" to keep lower and middle class people fighting each other.

The fight against Abortion, Civil Rights (Under many different names and causes, never straight out), Woman's Rights, Gay Rights, etc. These are all distractions designed to keep you from seeing the truth that the Republican Establishment is setting up the Wealthy and Powerful to loot the country right out from underneath you.

And a funny thing has happened. Both Fox "News" and the Republican Party have had to go to further and further extremes in order to keep the base fired up and ANGRY. And the extremists are now the Party. In a reach for Power and Control the Republican Party has become the American Nazi Party.

So now we have a formerly Honorable political party that has morphed into something else entirely, led by extremists, because their Propaganda Arm, AKA Fox "News" and Right Wing Talk Radio with a bunch of Right Wing websites have kept people so angry that they can no longer see the truth and would not be able to believe it even when they do see it, is either going to die or it will destroy America as we know it.

So we are all dying of Fox "News". The Big Business and Wealthy types who began this all in a pushback against FDR and company are now captives of their own creation. The beast is no longer controllable and is set to devour us all.

And if we, as a Nation, and as the Human Race, want to survive, this is what we MUST defeat. And it must be a resounding defeat after resounding defeat.

And it begins with boycotting any and all companies that advertise on Fox networks or right wing talk radio or any of the right wing websites.

It means NEVER voting for any Republican Candidate no matter how much you like them. I am talking specifically to people who have voted for Chris Sununu in New Hampshire and Phil Scott in Vermont and any other so called "Moderates". That is like the Germans who voted for "Moderate" Nazi's. They do not really exist.

So, we are all dying of Fox "News". This is how we got here. Now what are YOU going to do to reverse this? For it is up to YOU.


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