Again. And Again.

 When I was real young I sent a whole bunch of change thru the mail in an envelope. I was ordering a K-Bar. Which is a Military Fighting Knife.

A few weeks later I received that knife. With an envelope full of change that I sent thru the mail I got my hands on a Military Fighting Knife. At 11 years old.

That is how easy it is, and has always been, to get deadly weapons in this country. Ridiculously easy.

And over the years it has been made easier to buy deadly weapons, guns specifically, and the accoutrements to make them even deadlier, bump stocks, high capacity magazines, etc.

And the only people who do not understand why we, the United States of America, not only lead the world, but lead the world running away, in Gun Deaths per Capita, are those who believe it is every Americans "God Given Right" and "Constitutionally Protected Right" to own Guns and all the stuff that can make them even worse.

Hate to tell you all, the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution was NEVER meant to be an Individual Right. It took over 200 years and some very serious Court Packing, on all levels, to finally achieve a court that ruled that it was. With many, many opportunities to make it so before that the Court always refused.

So what was the 2nd Amendment really about? It was about the Slave States being able to make sure that the United States Government could not Nationalize their Militia, AKA the Slave Patrols, the State Government controlled instrument of Terror and Suppression of People of Color, to be used to Free Slaves.

Because the Slave States were already deeply worried about a National Government being controlled by people who recognized the Horror that was Race Based Human Slavery.

We have managed to get rid of a lot of the open forms of Raced Based Slavery protection.

We abolished Slavery, although it took a Civil War to do it. And afterwards we were much to forgiving to the White Traitors who led us into that war.

We made African Americans Full Citizens thus abolishing the Three Fifths Compromise. Although we left the White Traitors in power to be able to enact Jim Crow Laws which essentially kept African American People from being full participants in American Society for a long time.

There is more. And as you can see for every step forward there has also been a step back because we, as a Nation and Society, refuse to fully face the Legacy of Race Based Slavery on our Nation and Society.

As White Americans we have also refused to see how our Police Forces are based directly out of the Slave Patrols and built Racism into their DNA.

And, as a descendent of Irish Americans I can state that the Irish have played a big part in this.

Irish Immigrants were looked down upon and the powers that be despised them. Yet, instead of making common cause with their African American fellow sufferers, they bought completely into Race Based Hatred of African Americans. And they went on to become a huge part in many Police Forces, NYPD and Boston PD being huge examples of this, and Institutionalized Race Based Law Enforcement even more than was already so.

Another thing that we as White Americans refuse to do is acknowledge that we benefit from this Institutionalized Racism that is baked into our Legal System.

For example, the first real Gun Control Laws in the United States were signed by Governor Ronald Reagan in 1966 in California. Why you ask? Because the Black Panthers decided that they were going to, among other things, arm themselves to protect them and their neighbors from Racist police. They did many other things as well. This is what caused this specific backlash.

As soon as the Black Panthers were disarmed, and thus Black People disarmed, White People took over the NRA, at the behest of the Gun Industry, and started attacking Gun Control Laws. Yet, when those Laws could be used to benefit an African American Person and is not being used you might notice deafening silence.

It is completely amazing that the so called "Stand Your Ground" laws and "Castle Doctrine" laws never seem to be available to People of Color.

The 2nd Amendment NEVER seems to apply to People of Color. It only applies to Wester European Descent Americans. And it always has been that way.

So here we go again. And again. Another Mass Shooting by an Angry White Man. This time in Lewiston Maine.

And here we go again. And again. Nothing to be done here. Sending Thoughts and Prayers.

The Dead do not give a FUCK about your "Thoughts and Prayers".

We must get rid of the Guns. We have more Guns in this country than we have people. That has to stop.

We can no longer keep going like this. People are being killed by Weapons of Mass Destruction. AKA Assault Rifles, and the accoutrements that go with them, like Bump Stocks and High Capacity Magazines.

YOUR "Right" to have Guns stops where my Life begins. We are being killed because selfish people with a lot of money and interest in keeping you distracted are lieing to you.

It is way past time to change this.

The guns must go.

The 2nd Amendment must go.

Repeal it.


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