Black and White versus Nuance

 When I was young my Mum was active in her Political party's County organization where we lived. As a result I went to several local political events.

I remember one where we were at a fundraising event for a candidate running for some state level office. I ask this candidate a question about one of the burning issues of the day. He gave a pretty extensive answer, which looking back was fairly nuanced, but which I got that this person agreed with me. And I felt good about this candidate.

A while later I asked about another of the burning issues of the day. Another rather nuanced answer, in looking back, and what I got was disagreement. And I no longer felt good about this candidate.

I was a child who saw everything in black and white terms, right or wrong. There was no nuance in my world view at all. And I was much more judgemental about where you were WRONG, in my view, than where you were RIGHT, in my view.

Either we were on the same plane or you were WRONG. No wiggle room at all.

A VERY simplistic and childish view of the world.

As I got older, and had some life experience, I began to see the Nuance in the world. I began to understand that every Human has "Good" and "Evil" within them. That, in fact, most people are a mixed bag with a definate world view that is also a mixed bag.

Which brings us to now.

In these United States today we have people in one party who are conditioned by propaganda to see things a certain way. And to see those wo do not agree with the as Enemies who need to be destroyed.

As Anakin said to Obi Wan, "If you are not with me then you are my enemy".

And that view has created so much grief. And, ultimately, it is the view of an angry, petulent, fearful, child. And we have many angry, petulent, fearful, children walking around in adult bodies in this country. And in the world.

And this has real consequences. It is impossible to to have a real discussion with anyone that is locked into this worlview. Because when anyone who does not agree with you is an enemy to be destroyed there is no logic or reason that will penetrate this. It is an extremely emotional way of being that is built on Anger, Fear, Hatred, and is totally convinced of it's Rightousness.

And they are becoming people who believe that extreme violence in defense of these views is an acceptable answer.

Because they believe they are RIGHT.

Which brings us to the latest way that this is being displayed.

I am watching the situation in the Middle East with the State of Israel using it's pretty overwhelming Military Power to crush the Palestinian people in Gaza, in a total over reaction to a heinous crime committed by a very small minority of people.

I support the Right of Israel to exist and be safe.

I support the Right of the Palestinian people to exist with a Homeland of their own and to live in safety.

I do not support the current Fascist Government of Israel in it's policies of Occupation and Genocide that it is waging against the Palestinian people.

I also support the Right of the Israeli and Palestinian peoples to not be blamed for the actions of the Governments and Terrorist Organizations. Which are pretty much same thing right now. Just one is much better finded and armed than the other.

That is a nuanced view of the situation. I see how the peope of Israel have had to fight against heavy odds to exist. And they have grown in that process to become the very thing that they fought against.

I see how the Arab Governments surrounding them for so long tried to drive them out and annialate them. And used Religion and Propoganda to keep their people wound up and under control. Yet they have not fought a war in a few decades now.

And I also see how the Palestinion people went from wanting to destroy Israel and try to reclaim the land to just wanting a state of their own to live and have families etc.

And not once have the ordinary people of Israel or Palestine deserved the massive military Over Reaction that they have been subjected to.

Not Israel then nor Palestine now.

Yet, when I say this, I am accused of being Anti-Semetic. Of hating the Jewish people. Of being a person who condemns without understanding. And get hatred spilled at me.

Because of Black and White views with no nuance at all. Because of scared and angry children in grown up bodies who cannot see any other side than their own.

And as long as these types of view exist then Peace, true Peace, for everyone, is impossible.

For when we have people who believe in a black and white world view, where anyone who disagrees is an enemy to be destroyed, that they are Rightiously Right no matter what, then all the ways of creating and having True Peace are Impossible.

Because there is no Love possible in a black and white world. Only Hate, and Anger, all based in Fear.

And when one is afraid one cannot see the Other in Delight, only in Hate.

And when Hate exists then Peace is impossible.


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