Creating our Reality

 When I was a child my Mum used to take me to a local Methodist Church. The people there were nice and Pastor Davis was a good man. What some would call a "Godly" man. I know today that many a time we ate because of that church and many a Christmas was made better because of that church.

And throughout my "adult" life many people have tried to convince me that this "God" of theirs existed. Good people. And convinced that I "needed" to find this God.

At 25, almost 26, years clean and practicing a program of Recovery in Narcotics Anonymous I still have people telling me that I MUST find God as this is a "God Given" program and I will certainly use again sooner or later if I do not.

And today I find that amusing. When I was younger and for many years into my adulting I was confused.

Because this God you all have created never made any sense to me what so ever. Not once. Maybe I was ruined to the idea of this God because I read Mythology from a young age. And that lead me into History. Which can also be a Mythology. Reference "American Exceptionalism".

And the idea of any God never made sense to me. I could never wrap my head around some immortal being that has existed before time and space and created everything. That just does not fly for me.

So I never got this whole Faith thing. Another of the many things that I find totally implausible. Why in the world would I have Faith in something that all the evidence I can find shows that it does not exist? Why in the hell would I want to believe in the old oral tales that were told for a few thousand years, finally written down about 3,500 years ago, and expanded on around 2,000 years ago? I just do not see it.

None of those tales ever made sense.

And I finally was able to navigate that for myself. I finally got that even though I respect you, even love you, that your experience is not mine and does not need to be. I can only go with mine. I do not need to, nor should I force myself to, take on yours.

And then finally I began too see evidence based things that I could form a life philosophy around. Thank You Science.

And the further that I dove into this, in my limited way, my math is not anywhere near where it would need to be in order to truly understand this, the more I began to understand something that I had read a long time ago.

Thou Art God

Such a simple little statement. And it says a hell of a lot. And I am sure that this statement, this whole blog post, is going to irritate some of my more believing friends and relatives. Okay.

So what does that mean? For me it means this. You, me, every other living thing, which means all things, are God. Period.

We are all Creative Energy and we create our world in each moment. Quantum Physics continues to point to this Universe cannot Be without Consciousness being involved. It also points to we, all things, are at the most fundamental level Energy. It also points to that everything at a most primary level is Connected. We are all One.

In the show Babylon 5 they created an Interstellar Alliance. They created a Declaration of Principles that defined the mission of the alliance. It was created G'Kar of the Narn. This is what it said"

"The universe speaks in many languages, but only one voice.

It speaks in the language of hope
It speaks in the language of trust
It speaks in the language of strength and the language of compassion
It is the language of the heart and the language of the soul.
But always it is the same voice
It is the voice of our ancestors, speaking through us,
And the voice of our inheritors, waiting to be born
It is the small, still voice that says
We are one
No matter the blood
No matter the skin
No matter the world

We are one
No matter the pain
No matter the darkness
No matter the loss
No matter the fear
We are one
Here, gathered together in common cause, we agree to recognize this
singular truth and this singular rule:
That we must be kind to one another
Because each voice enriches us and ennobles us and each voice lost
diminishes us.
We are the voice of the Universe, the soul of creation, the fire
that will light the way to a better future.
We are one.

 We Are One."

I believe that this is the most significant Truth of all time. There is no Other. There is no Out There. There is only Us. Each and every one of Us who is made whole or diminished by each and every other one of Us.

In Star Trek the ancient Vulcan philosopher, their Prophet, Surak said

“The spear in the Other's heart
is the spear in your own:
you are he.

There is no other wisdom,
and no other hope for us
but that we grow wise."

Through our wiser stories we have been trying to tell ourselves this truth throughout all of our time. We are One. If we hurt another we hurt ourselves. If we diminish another we diminish ourselves. If we Love another we Love ourselves.

We are One. And we are God. There is no other. There is only Us. We are each other and each of us is alone until we accept that. We are Creators that are doing a very sad job of it.

Why are we doing such an awful job? Because we keep placing our Belief and Faith Out There with this God that our ancestors created. A god that they created to try and explain a world that they did not understand and were afraid of. A world in which they could not believe they could have any power over at all. They abdicated all Responsibility for their Lives and Existence to "God's Will".

And we, their Inheritors, have continued that trend. We have Believed that this God Out There will take care of us despite all the evidence to the contrary. We have refused to believe that we are Creators so that we can Petition and Blame this God Out There and thus absolve ourselves of Responsibility and Power in our own Existence.

We Create our own reality in every moment and refuse to believe. We refuse to have any Faith in our own Godness. Because if we did accept our own Godness then we truly would be Responsible for our own lives. And that scares the hell out of people.

Myself included.

And I would rather be scared than powerless to affect my life.

Because, in the end, when I accept my own Godness and Responsibility, when I acknowledge that I am the Creator of my Reality, then I am truly Loving my Self as a whole Human Being.

When I acknowledge your Godness then I am truly Loving You and accepting you as a whole Human Being.

For we must all acknoledge our own and each others Godness.

We must all Love each other. It is the only Rational Act.
