Getting Sick in a Capitalist Society

 When I was seven years old I was mowing the lawn at the place we lived at. Probably a little too small to be doing this with a powered mower. Was a different day. Somewhere along the way I was going down the yard and saw a rock in front of the mower. I stopped and stepped in front of the mower to pick up the rock and toss it out of the way. At the exact moment that my foot went in front of the mower it moved down the hill and chopped a piece out of my big toe on my left foot. I jerked back and screamed loudly.

I was very quickly hustled into the car and driven, not to the Emergency Room, to our family Doctors Office. I was told years later that a phone call had been made and they were expecting us. The Doctor, as he examined my toe, was having a conversation with my Mum, and paying much more attention to that than he was my injury.

Too this day my left big toe nail grows deformed. My Mum told me years later that he was bitching at her about some bill she owed him. And she did not take me to the Emergency Room as she did not want the bill from that.

When I was ten years old I got sick. Seemed like a fairly standard kid sick from the outside I think. So I was left home in bed while everyone else went off to work and school. I slept a lot. And somewhere during that day I remember waking up with such a fever that I was hallucinating. I was probably near death. And no one, not even I, knew.

And it did not matter. Doctors, Hospitals, they were/are expensive. Even if anyone had suspected that I was that sick, going to a Health Care Facility was beyond our means. This was during the '60s, '70's, and '80s, where if your job did not provide Health Insurence then you did not have it. And in NH, at that time, a lot of places did not offer it, or made it so expensive it was prohibitive.

In my "Adult" years I have gone major stretches of time without health insurance. So if I got sick, I have a really strong constitution and healthy immune sytstem so it did not happen often, I just had to endure it, as who the hell can afford medical prices these days without insurance. I know that I cannot.

In the last few years, as I have reached official old person status, my constitution and immune system have gotten weaker. Not by a hell of a lot. Enough so that it is noticable. And I am geting sick more often. Common stuff. winter colds etc. Which is really annoying.

All of the above to show the problem. We are the only First World Country that does not have Universal Health Insurence. The Only One. And while Britain's Politicians are working really hard to destroy theirs, we are still the only one's who don't have it. And Britain is the only country actively trying to sabotage it who does have it.

And many so called Second and even Third World countries have Universl Health Insurance. So many other societies recognize that Human Health and Well Being are a Public Good and in this Country we do not. At least Politically.

And why is this you ask. I will tell you. There is in this country and Britain a very well funded "Conservative" movement that keeps cutting taxes for the Rich and making the burdon for the Middle Class and the Poor much bigger.

They are against "Big Government". Except when Government can help you discriminate, then they are all for it. Except when Government can deny Woman the Right to be in control of their Bodies and Health Care Decisions, then they are all for it. Except when they can build the Biggest and Most Wasteful Military in the World, then they are all for it. Except when they can build the Biggest and Stupidest Police and Security systems in the World and deny YOU your Human Rights, then they are all for it. Except when they build a Huge For Profit Prison System, then they are all for it.

But a Government that works for the good of Human Beings, with Universal Health Insurance, enforcing Clean Air and Clean Water Laws, making it so everyuone has a Living Wage and can have a life without having to work themselves to death, making it possible to have a Comfortable Retirement at a young enough age to still enjoy it, enforcing Child Labor Laws, that Government is too Big and Intrusive for them.

Getting sick in a Capitalist Society is just one symptom of the Sickness of Weaponized Capitalism that makes everything into a commodity to be sold and gives the Rich way too much Power. When our Political System is just another Commodity to be bought and sold then we are in the end game as a society.

Either we find a way to reclaim our Political System from Big Money or we will be, and we are so close to this it is scary, in a Nazi System where we have no more rights at all because the Wealthy will have hoarded it all to themselves.

And one of the hallmarks of the Nazi Society is divide by Race, Religion, Economic Status, and have a Huge Police/Security system to enforce the rules on the Poor and almost non existent Middle Class.

Weaponized and Un-Regulated Capitalism is killing us kinfolk. And we are almost dead. If we do not act now then the time for action will be gone and it will be too late.

Because not making a choice when confronted with Evil is still making a choice for Evil.


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