Transformation for Fun and Profit

 I have a bunch of Limiting Beliefs. I acknowledge that this is so. And, over the years, I have embarked on many different paths in order to get past them.

The most successful path to date has been the 12 Steps of Recovery as practiced in the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous. It has had, and continues to have, a profound effect on my life.

The other path that I have had great success with is the Landmark Curriculum for Living, which consists of the Landmark Forum a 3 day and one evening course where each day is 13 hours long and the Tuesday evening is about three and a half hours long, a 10 week 3 hours once a week Seminar which is included in the price of the Forum, the Advanced Course which is the three days and a Tuesday evening course, followed by the Self Expression and Leadership Program, which is aout 3 months long with three hours once a week and 1 13 hour Saturday every month.

For me the 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous was the most valuable of these experiences. It did not and does not cost me any money. I donate to the 7th Tradition basket at every meeting, and my membership does not depend on that. I can donate or not as I wish. What it has given me is a lifelong Structure for how to live and a Community of people who are all doing the same thing that I am doing. And we help each other in the navigation of this weird journey called life.

The Landmark Curriculum for Living costs money. I freely admit that if money was their object then the courses would cost about four times as much as they do. So I consider the cost of this program to be negligable compared to the benefit that is given. A cost benefit analysis would, in my opinion, give a very strong return on investment.

The biggest thing that I got out of the Landmark programs, and this is only one thing, there were many more, was how much of my life was made up of Stories. I would have something happen, and then would instantly make up a story about what that meant, and the story was always negative, and then that would be the TRUTH from there on out.

Over the years I have also looked at a lot of other methods of Transformation. And I have found some that I am sure do a lot of good. For the people that can afford it. Because a lot of those people are truly charging ridiculous prices to help people transform their lives thru an Online Course.

And they always make it sound like you are just afraid (Too Stupid) to invet in yourself if you cannot come up with the anywhere from $1,000.00 to several thousand dollors needed to take their course.

This offends me. You sell yourselves as these wonderfully caring people who want to transform the world and reveal yourself to be in it only for the money. For Shame people. For Shame. Or, as the man said to Joe McCarthy, "Have you no shame sir?"

So I am going to keep doing my work within the 12 Step world of Recovery. I cannot help everyone there, after all not everyone is addicted to drugs, I can help some people. And I do not feel like I need to take a shower after.

What brought this on I can hear you asking. I will tell you.

A well known "Thought Leader" had a major thing today where he was trying to sell an online course where you could rewire your brain for success. And I actually believe that this would be a worthwhle gig to take on. If I mentioned this persons name a lot of you would probably recognize it.

And it was a decent webinar and he sold his process well. Like I said, I believe it is probably not a bad thing that he is doing. In fact it is probably a good thing.

And then it came to the end and I saw the price. And immediately shut down the webinar. And realized that I was mad. Because here we were again, looking at a thing that would do so much good for the world,and it is priced comepletely out of the range of those who could most use it.

As you may have guessed I have looked at a lot of these thing. Many, like the one today, with some very well known names. And they all claim to care so much about helping people and then show themselves to totally driven by the allmighty dollar.

So I am going to continue to help people as best I can. And I am going to continue to not be paid for it and put money in the basket when it comes around. I hope to be able to create something that I can use to help others, who are not addicted to drugs, get the same benefit from Transforation that I have gottten and give it away. We shall see.

Because pursuit of the allmighty dollar is killing us. Pursuit of the allmighty dollar is creating more sickness in tis world. Pursuit of the allmighty dollor is limiting and even destroying our effectiveness in making this world a better place. Pursuit of the allmighty dollar is killing us.

My request of you, oh gentle reader, is take on something that you can do, for free for everyone, that can Transform this world. You will find that those actions will Transform you in the process.

We must Love each other. It is the only Rational act.
