Financial Health and Mental Health

 In America, or any Hyper Capitalist country, we are taught that if we do not "Contribute" then we are worthless. A drain on society. And by "Contribute" what they mean is spend your life working for a company that pays you as little as possible for your job and gives as little, if any, benefits as it can get away wth. You are always at the mercy of your Boss. That is "Contributing".

So we go through our lives trying to "contribute" to the best of our abilities. And society just keeps placing more and more burdons upon us. As they relieve the Rich of the need to pay taxes they keep putting the burdon of survival of us all more and more on the Middle and Working Class. Which are, in reality, the same thing.

What happens is, for many of us, our Mental Health, or Spiritual Condition, whichever you prefer, becomes tied to our Financial Condition. If our Financial Condition takes a hit, if we become "Non Contributors", then depression and other mental health conditions manifest.

I know this from personal as well as shared experience.

How did we get here? We have been taught that the super wealthy are "Job Creators" and that without them there would be no jobs to be had and nothing for anyone.

And as a result we have massive tax cuts, really tax elimination, for the Wealthy and Uber Wealthy while the Tax Rate for the rest of us remains high. We subsidize Highly Profitable Industries, like the Fossil Fuel Industry, while eliminating the social safety net for those less well off.

I have heard it said, and agree with, "In America what we have is Socialism for the Rich and Rugged Individualism for the rest of us". And it is true. The wealthy get every break and the rest of us get held to the grindstone.

And think about this, we have a minimum wage in this country. And the only reason that it exists is because if they could pay you less then they would. And the fedreal minimum wage has been made into a joke by some very well financed obstructionists. There is NO WHERE in this country where one can support oneself on that wage.

When Franklin Delano Roosevelt enacted the minimum wage he very clearly stated that it was meant to be a Living Wage. And for a long time it was kept that way. A single wage earner, earning the minimum wage, could support a family with a stay at home parent and buy a house, car, etc. 

Reference Senator Elizabeth Warren's story about growing up in a single parent household who had what was needed. Not any extra, and what was needed. From her Mother's minimum wage job.

That is not possible today.

Today we have an almost impossibility for a single person to feed, house, clothe, and provide transportation, on their own income. A single individual without a spouse or children, has an almost impossible time providing a life for themselves on their own income.

So we end up with people sharing houses and apartments because a mortgage or rent on their own is unatainble. We have parents who are missing out on their childrens lives because they have to work insane hours to make ends meet. And most, if not all, of them are one missed paycheck away from disaster.

We have stressed out parents and stressed out kids. Parents trying to make a viable life and worried all the time. And kids growing up without a lot of time and support from their parents.

Because we have created a society that values Wealth over Work. Where the Wealthy have gamed the system so it works very well for them and does not work at all for the rest of us.

We have a massive amount of Americans in the middle of a Mental Health Crisis. Because as much as they try they cannot keep up with what they have been taught is important. Doing the best they can do and still falling further and further behind.

So what can we do?

  • We can recognize that the Job Creators are not the rich. They will not invest any money into places where there is not a demand. Job creaters are working people with money buying thngs thus creating demand.
  • We can stop electing people who are committed to improving the lot of the wealthy and start electing those who want to help people who work for a living.
  • We can raise taxes on the rich and cut taxes on working people.
  • Make the Minimum Wage a Living wage and make sure that it stays that way.
However, in order to do all of this, I believe there are a few other things that must happen:

  1. Pass a Constitutional Amendment that states Money is Not Speech and is not protected under Law.
  2. Pass a Constitutional Amendent that states Corporations and other such paper creations are Not People and have no Civil Rights under Law.
  3. Impeach and replace six of the 9 Justices on the Supreme Court for being Partison Hacks. Those being Cheif Justice John Roberts, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice Samual Alito, Associate Justice Niel Gorush, Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
  4. And Impeach a boatload of Lower Level Judges for the same reasons. Make the Courts about Law and Justice again and stop it from being the Legal Arm of the Right Wing Nazis* in America.
  5. And flush Congress of all the Political Hacks who gerrymandered our Court System into the joke that it is today.
  6. And Flush a whole lot of State Houses and Legislatures from the people who have gerrymandered us into Minority Government.
We have a lot of work ahead of us. If we want these United States to survive as a Constitutional Republic and not a Dictatorship of the Corporatocrity using Nazis* as their shields then we all have to get busy.

Our time is fast running out.

* I use the term Nazi instead of Fascist as I believe that these people will go in for Genocide. Hitler and the Nazis did that. Musollini, while really unpleasent to his Political enemies never went in for genocide.

  1. "Fascism is the absolute complicity between big capital and the State": When the interests of capitalism are aligned with politics, fascism approaches.
  2. "Fascism denies the class struggle, but it is the armed arm of capital in it": Fascists fear monger lower classes about impending economic crises and enlists such individuals into their ranks to avoid competition with unions, workers and other social groups.
  3. "Fascism summons the masses, but it is elitist": Though appealing to the lower classes, aristocracies and the upper-class enforce an authoritarian hierarchy through fascism to maintain their own standing.
  4. "Fascism is racist": Cultures and races are targeted by fascists to support their purposes.
  5. "Fascism and capitalism have abhorrent faces that need masks": Revolutionary language, plans and symbolism are stolen and repurposed by fascists.
  6. "Fascism is blessed": Some religious groups typically support fascist movements, providing their blessing.
  7. "Fascism is misogynistic": Women are not represented as being independent or recognized for their achievements in fascism.
  8. "Fascism is anti-intellectual": Noting the scientific progress achieved by progressivism, Britto Garcia writes "Fascism does not invent, it recycles. It only believes in yesterday, an imaginary yesterday that never existed."

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