Being of Service in a Selfish Society

 While growing up I was a pretty normal kid in some ways. Watched TV, saw the ads, got indoctrinated into the Consumer Society with Brand Awareness.

And over the years, through a lot of trials and tribulations, I became a really Self Centered Individual. Nothing special, I was very much like a lot of America's Consumerist Society, I want mine and if I have to step on you for it then so be it.

As I have grown older though I began a process of resigning from the Consumerist Society. It is a lengthy, and ongoing, process with a lot of fits and starts. Because, ultimately, we live in this Consumerist Society, so how in the world does one resign from it?

Well, I think that in my recovery fellowship I have an answer. Because one of the main pillars in Recovery is Being of Service. Service to the Fellowship, Service to Each Other, and Service to the New People just walking in the door. Like I did once.

And in Being of Service to Something or Someone else then we are no longer locked inside our own selves. We become something Greater Than We Are for that moment in time.

And yet, our selfish society, for a Consumer Society is essentially selfish, while it talks about service all the time does everything that it can to keep people selfish. For in selfishness is division. And in division is control. And Isolation.

So how can one Be of Service in a Selfish Society?

By Being Brave.

Brave enough to reject Being Selfish when all those around you are selfish.

Brave Enough to reject Materialism.

Brave Enough to be Grateful for what we Have instead of Wanting More.

Brave Enough to Love, and Serve, everyone, even those whom we Massively Disagree with.

Brave Enough to Be of Service in a society that does not value Service even though they make noise saying they do.

Brave Enough to do these things with absolutely no expectation of Reward, or Acknowledgement.

Brave Enough to do these things alone with no support.

And that takes Humility. And Being Humble is truly difficult in a Selfish Society. And yet, it is in a State of Humility, a state of Being Right Sized, that the most amazing things get done. Worlds are saved in this State of Being.

And finally, all this takes Love. We must Love each other enough to Be of Service to something larger that just each of us. To Be of Service to the Whole of Us. So that we might all become something bigger than we are alone.

So, with Bravery, Humility, and Love, let us Be of Service to each other. Let us Be of Service to the Whole of Us in a Society that rejects the Idea of the Whole of Us.

Let us Be of Service to the Love of Each Other no matter who that is.

It is only in that Selfless Service that we can survive and thrive. Creating a better world for the ones who follow us.

And after all, isn't that what we all want?


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