Road Trip Thoughts

 Two weeks ago I began a road trip. I was going to Ramona California, I have family there, for a few days and then going to Oxnard California, I have family there, for a few days.

I drove my car and had a trailer with my motorcycle on it. One of my purposes was to ride my motorcycle with my younger brother in Ramona and my older brother in Oxnard.

It was a three day drive out to Ramona. And a lot of people are surprised at this. I am surprised that people find it surprising. When I am on a road trip I go. I did not abuse any speed laws. I just do not stop unless needed. Gas, coffee, food, and a couple times a short power nap. I am a beast on a rode trip.

The trip back was four days. And I will discuss this later. I am still a beast. I am also getting, much, older than I want to admit to myself.

At the finish of this trip I have made a few observations. And I, of course, want to share them with you 😄

I found beauty in places that I did not expect. The biggest example of this are the desserts of West Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. These are very dry and brown places. And I am not usually someone who I would think of as a fan of such places. I like Green places and four seasons. Yet I found these places had a beauty all there own that I had to acknowledge.

I do not like the American Interstate System. I get the reason for it. And, unfortunately, it has become a political tool of obstruction. For the most part between the cities they are ok. Not great, and in fairly decent shape. Once you get inside the cities it gets really bad. Especially if, like me, one is pulling a trailer. 

I had four Ratchet Straps holding my bike onto the trailer. They had a test weight before break of 500 pounds. They gad taken me all across the country already. In Arizona, East of Flagstaff, after about 450 miles travelled on the journey back, I saw the bike bouncing a little funny on the trailer and pulled over to check them. Two of them had broken. I managed to get them jury rigged enough to get to the next truck stop and buy 4 with a 1,000 test weight before break.

Those survived the whole trip and I am saving them for the next trip.

Coming back I was just East of Memphis Tennessee and the worst thing happened. It was dark and rainy so I could not see very well. The Left Trailer wheel hit a pothole, not uncommon at all during this trip, which was an exceptional example of a pothole, and popped the trailer up onto a 45 degree, there abouts, angle before the side came back down and bounced around for a moment.. I pulled over and checked things. Nothing bad happened. I think the old ratchet straps, if they had not already broken and been replaced, would have broken there and it would have been bad. And the wheel which hit, I was afraid something would be out of kilter with it. It was still good. I am impressed with this light trailer from the Tractor Supply Co.

Every part of this country has it's MAGA crowd. Some more than others. And the one thing that MAGA has done that I approve of is it has made it much easier to spot Hatred. I saw it all over this land of ours. And I believe that until we, as a Country, really face and deal with our History, as it really is and not as the MAGA crowd and Conservatives in general want it rewritten as, then we shall remain sick and divided by that hate.

When travelling most people are friendly and curious. Had some great, albeit quick, conversations with people out there. They can also be helpful too. A question will usually get a quick answer from people who are just doing there thing. That kinda surprised me.

And finally, the lesson that I am not learning, I am not young. I do not have the energy, bounce back, and resilience that I had when I was a lot younger. However, I keep behaving like I do.

I made it from Brattleboro VT to Ramona CA in almost exactly three days. I slept for a total of five and a half hours during that time. And when I arrived I felt good and enjoyed myself. Never really took time to rest.

And the journey to Oxnard CA four days later was longer than expected in California traffic. Oh joys. 5 hours of stress. And again, I arrived and felt good. Never took time to destress or rest.

I left Oxnard on Monday, June 3rd, at about 11:00 AM PST. About 2:00 PM EST. I fully expected to be back in Vermont on Wednesday afternoon based on my experience going out to Cali.

I began to notice fairly early on that I was more fatigued than I had expected. That my ability to be present was not as strong as is usual when rested and ready.

I began napping a bit more often than I expected as well. My stamina was way down.

And then, on Wednesday late in the day, I began to experience gaps in my driving memory. Two to three seconds where I was about asleep. I would pull into a truck stop and try to shake it off and it was not really working.

And finally, I began just pulling into the nearest rest area or truck stop and napping. The last eighteen hours or so of the trip were much longer because every one to two hours my eyes would roll back in my head, and I would stop and sleep for two hours. That happened all the way through Eastern Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York. After my final sleep, at the Connecticut Welcome Center in Western CT, I was able to make the last leg in one shot.

And got back yesterday, Thursday June 6th, at about 3:00 in the afternoon. I tried to stay awake and had to take a nap about 4:00. Then was up until about 1:00 AM until I felt like I was ready to sleep.

I awoke at 8:00 AM to my alarm. I turned it off and did as I often do, lay there for 3 to 5 minutes to wake up. I might of stayed awake for about three seconds. Deep sleep later I awoke at about 11:30. I guess I still did not understand how tired I had really gotten.

Or was in denial 😂

And the rest of today has been very lazy. I keep trying to do things and my body just says No. You are resting today. I am trying to be resentful, and that takes too much energy 😇

And the lesson that I keep getting retaught is I am getting older. I do not have the energy I had when younger. I do not have the mental or physical resilience that I think that I have. That with time comes costs.

I am still totally in denial. My actions will, I think, show this.

So anywhoo, this is just my immediate thoughts on the recent road trip. I am sure more will come in time.

I am Grateful as all get out to have been able to do this. And I want to keep doing this.

So onwards and upwards, or Further Up and Further In as Aslan said.

May you all achieve a dream that you thought you might never achieve with all the lessons that go with it.

Peace ✌


  1. Love u crazy man;) great seein u!! Farrell power..


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