Being Happy. What a Great Idea!!!

I have been told, and kinda faintly remember, that when I was real young I was a mostly happy and curious kid.

And then I became a miserable S.O.B. for a long time. Always focused on the negative aspects of life, and in and my life in particular.

Now admittedly, there was a lot of negative things happening in my life and had been for a long time. That had been true for as long as I could remember.

And when one is focused on the negative aspects of life, one will always find more negative aspects of life. A full circle self fulfilling prophecy of the future and present.

So here I am, going through life still being curious, and expecting the worst all the time. And when one is expecting the worst one will continue to find the worst.

And I was wondering why I kept getting the worst. I had no idea about mindset and the way one sees the world through what they always expect to find.

And then one day I began to hang out with some people who understood that Happiness is a Choice that one must make over and over again.

And, sometimes it takes effort. There is a quote that I love by an ancient Greek Philosopher called Aeschylus that goes "Happiness is a choice that requires effort sometimes". And I find that to very true, for me.

And it is worth it to me. Having been a person always stuck in being Unhappy and Negative and having experienced what life can be like when I choose to be Happy with a Positive outlook to see life thru I find it is completely worth any effort needed to stay in a positive mindset.

And the most wonderful part is my curiosity is intact. And being curious with a positive mindset makes discovery so much more fun.

I am reminded of a Star Trek: Strange New Worlds episode where the Enterprise is investigating a ship that disappeared during a, what looked like, First Contact mission.

They find out a bunch of stuff and discover a civilization about to destroy themselves thru usage of technology they had been exposed to that they were not ready for.

So Captain Pike convinces the two sides that negotiation, which they have not done in a long while, might be a better idea.

And they begin just arguing with each other. Placing blame and yelling over each other because no one is being responsible for anything. All the blame belongs to the other.

Now in a prior episode Captain Pike had been shown what his future looked like. It was grim. If you are a Trekster then you know.

In the middle of the two sides yelling at each other the Captain beamed in between the two sides and began to show them what their future could look like. First he shows them the clean and prosperous Earth of his day. And then he shows them the Earth of the 21st Century, being close to the planet of the current day that they are on, and then talks them thru the causes and full effect of World War III. With a video backup that is showing in the entire world.

And then he said a couple of, I think, very important things.

1) Perhaps, somewhere, your ends are written as indelibly as mine. But I choose to believe that your destinies are still your own.

2) Maybe that is why I am here. To remind you of the power... of possibility.

3) Maybe that is the good in seeing my future, that I might remind you, that right up until the very end, life is to be worn gloriously.

4) Because, until our last moment, ... our future is what we make it

And I too believe that our destinies are still our own. That by every choice that we make we choose a future that is and is not.

And every choice is born out of Possibility. That every future exists until we make the choice that forecloses one future and makes another one more likely.

And life is a Glorious adventure, if I choose it to be. With the Power of Possibility and Choices made with a Loving Heart then a Glorious life is not only possible, it is inevitable.

And even until one moment before the end, the future is wide open and everything is possible.

And none of that is true if I am looking at the world thru eyes expecting the worst just filled with negativity.

As I see it, in order to live a life worth living, a life filled with Possibility, then Being Happy is the only way to be.

It is, Literally, a Great Idea.

I am so Happy and Grateful that today I know that Happiness is a Choice that I get to make. I am so Happy and Grateful that I know the Power of Possibility in my life. I am so Happy and Grateful that get to live my life Gloriously and with the Wonder of a Child.

What are you Happy and Grateful for?
