Responsibility. What A Concept :-)

For most, if not all, of the first half to three quarters of my life I lived in a world where I was never responsible. It was NEVER my fault. And the excuses and blaming of others just flowed out of me. If it did not show verbally then it showed in my actions, attitudes, and behaviors.

Eventually, I began to start to take responsibility for my life. And it has been a process. It has taken a long time and a lot of internal work. And today I am responsible for my life. I sometimes need to reclaim responsibility after falling back into the old way of being involving excuses and blame. And that is getting less and less as time goes on.

And as I am looking around me today I am seeing that there is a large chunk of people both in this country and around the world who do not want to be responsible. They are looking for the Strong Man Savior type of person to save them.

And it occurs to me that if you need a savior then you are not being responsible for your life. In fact, when I was being not responsible, my biggest day dream was that someone would come along and solve all my problems so that I would not have too.

A Savior.

And that is the modern political picture on the Right of the political spectrum. They are following politicians who tell them that their lives are not their fault. That it is (Fill in the Group's name here) fault. They are to blame for all of their problems. And if they follow (Fill in Stongman Savior Type for Country Here) then all of their problems will be solved.

 And they are eating it up. And voting for people who do not give a rats ass for them. Who's entire life has been about selfishness and control. And that is the "Populist Wave" of Right Wing Authoritarian's who are taking over in our world.

They are speaking to Fear and Anger and Holy Moly is it paying off for them. It is not paying off for the countries that they are being "elected" in. It is not paying off for the world that we live in. It is only paying off for the Ultra Rich and Powerful.

And so here we are in the good old US of A. We have "chosen". We have now a duly elected, after being "elected" once, then lost once, a bloviating, narcissistic, misogynistic, racist, traitorous, wanna be dictator, as President.

So proud to be 'merican.

And his followers are eating this up. They have "owned the lib's" and have gotten even more obnoxious about it. And I did not think that was possible. It is.

And one of the worst parts of it is, to me anyway, is the fact that they just accept all of the excuses why bad things that he says, does, and happen around him, are not his fault. The are somebody else's fault. Never his or his chosen people.

And the gaslighting that he and his followers do. All the things that they do, the spreading of hate and blame, the denial of responsibility, basing decisions on anger and fear, they are totally flipping on to the people that disagree with them. Their Fuhrer is not doing this. They are not doing this. Their Enemies, and yes, that is how they think of people who disagree with them, are the one's doing this.

What is really funny is that all the followers of this gasbag that I know, and I know many and am related to a few, would not put up with this sort of behavior from anyone else. They would be as quick to call it out as anyone. Except for here.

Total group think in action. In this place they have no discernment at all. It is the herd against all of the world and they are RIGHT.

So we have "Chosen". A bunch of people who are afraid and angry, and in total denial of the fact that they are afraid and angry, have cobbled together just enough of a plurality to force this "strong man savior" down the rest of our throats.

And the rest of us are also responsible. Those who did vote for the apposing candidate for not doing enough to get out the vote of those who think like us. The apposing campaign for spending so much time and energy trying to convince "centrist" and "centrist republicans" to vote for them instead of just getting out their base. All the people who did not vote for whatever reason. We are responsible for this mess as well.

And, FYI, the largest voting block in this country is the non voting block. The people whom we have let be convinced that their vote does not matter. Or have just gotten apathetic and we have not reached out to at all.

So, there is Responsibility for everyone here. No one is exempt. Not even me. I am just as responsible as anyone here reading this. And so are you.

So what is the solution?

Get involved. Make sure that you are engaging people. Especially like minded people who did not vote and those who don't believe they should vote.

Be very loud.

Because, if we don't, this might be the last free election that we have.

Representative Democracy might very well die in this country. And if it dies here then it will not last very long anywhere else either.

The very fate of Democracy in this world lies in YOUR hands.

So get busy.

